用also时要避免将其与比较等级的语境混淆 “also”是一个副词,主要用于表示与前述内容相似或相同的另一个事实或情况,起到补充和强调的作用。在语法上,“also”并不适用于比较等级,这是因为它本身并不包含比较或对比的含义。在句子中,“also”通常用于连接两个或多个具有相同性质或特点的事实或情况,而不是用于比较它们之间的优劣或大小。 例如,我们可以说:“He speaks English, and he also speaks French.”(他会说英语,也会说法语。)在这个句子中,“also”用于补充说明他还会说法语,而不是将英语和法语进行比较。 相反,如果我们想要比较两种语言的能力,我们可能会使用其他表达方式,如:“He speaks English better than French.”(他说英语比说法语更好。)这里使用了“better than”来进行比较,而不是“also”。 因此,在使用“also”时,我们需要避免将其与比较等级的语境混淆。如果我们需要比较不同事物或情况的优劣、大小等,应该选择适当的比较级或最高级形式,而不是使用“also”。 总结来说,“also”不适用于比较等级,因为它主要用于表示相似或相同的事实或情况,而不是用于比较。在需要比较的语境中,我们应该选择其他适当的表达方式。通过明确“also”的适用范围和避免将其与比较等级的语境混淆,我们可以更准确地使用这个副词,使句子表达更加清晰和准确。 新概念英语第三册单词 初中英语单词mp3 新概念英语视频下载 七年级下册英语阅读理解 一、单项选择题 1. I like to read books, and I _______ enjoy watching movies. A. also B. better C. most D. even 2. He speaks English fluently, and he _______ speaks Spanish well. A. also B. better than C. the best D. even more 3. She is a talented musician, and she _______ paints beautiful pictures. A. also B. even better C. the most D. rather 4. He studies hard, and he _______ takes part in extracurricular activities. A. also B. best C. worst D. even worse 5. She likes to cook, and she _______ enjoys baking delicious desserts. A. also B. more than C. least D. even least 二、判断正误并改正 1. He is not only tall, but also taller than his brother. ( ) 2. She speaks Spanish well, and also speaks French better. ( ) 3. I like to run, and also, I enjoy swimming the most. ( ) 4. He is intelligent, and he is also the most intelligent in his class. ( ) 5. She sings well, and she also sings better than any other singer. ( ) 三、填空题 1. He is a good pianist, and he _______ plays the guitar. 2. She is a skilled artist, and she _______ writes poetry. 3. I enjoy hiking in the mountains, and I _______ like to go fishing. 4. He is not only strong, but he _______ has great endurance. 5. She speaks several languages, and she _______ understands different cultures. ![]() |
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